First Connection Groups
Small Group Opportunities
We are a group of adults (mostly retired) that has been meeting for many years—enjoying each other’s friendship, philosophies and perspectives. Members take turns leading our discussions regarding topics of individual interest—ranging from biblical to current events. Because of our long-time friendships, we are a support group for each other when personal or family crises arise.
At the present time, we are meeting at 9:30 a.m. in the small dining room on the second and fourth Sunday of each month.

Are you wanting to extend your Sunday worship experience throughout the week? Do you want to start a prayer practice, but not sure where to start? Does your prayer life need a reset? We’re starting a small prayer group on Monday, February 7, 2022. All are welcome on the first and third Mondays from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. via Zoom.
We’ll open with centering prayer to increase our awareness of God’s presence and quiet ourselves; explore a prayer practice; and end our time lifting up one another and our community in prayer for what is in need of healing.
From February 7, 2022 through April 4, 2022 (Lent), we’ll focus on the Prayer of Examen. The Prayer of Examen is used to reflect on the presence of God in our daily life. We’ll explore a variation of the prayer each session. You may be surprised to discover God is at work more than you know and find you are practicing “unceasing prayer” more than you think!
Contact Terri Storer ( be included on the e-mail distribution list and Zoom link.
This seminar series will take you through a series of Christian Life and Service Seminars (C.L.A.S.S.) that will help you understand why God desires you to experience a closer relationship and also to prepare you for achieving that next level in your personal relationship with God and Community.
Each seminar is 2 hours long and designed to systematically step you through a process of understanding your participation in Christian life and service. Midway through each seminar, a short break and snacks are provided.
- Embrace 101 (Membership): February 27, 2022 @ 2:30pm
- Engage 201 (Maturity): March 13, 2022 @ 2:30pm
- Express 301 (Ministry): March 27, 2022 @ 2:30pm
- Equip 401 (Missions): April 10, 2022 @ 2:30pm
Teachers: Rev. Kirstie J. Engel, Dr. John Spilker
APPLYING THE SERMON TO LIFE: Wednesday 5:30–6:30p
This class will dive deeper and expand on some of the preaching concepts from Sunday morning.
Class: Volunteer Effect: February 16, February 23
Lent Class: Pruning Effect: March 9, March 16, March 23, March 30, April 6
Teachers: Rev. Kirstie J. Engel & Dr. John Spilker

Unlike other “book clubs” we don’t read the same title at the same time. We each read different tiles at different times. The 21 books that are available deal with issues in the news including immigration, racism, prison reform and modern-day slavery. Titles include fiction by popular authors such as Jodi Picoult and Lisa Wingate as well as nonfiction by Michelle Obama, Melinda Gates and Leslie Stahl. The book list has been recommended by UMW, but ANYONE is welcome to join us in our reading and discussions.
(All books are available at either Lincoln Public Libraries or in UMW Reading box.)
UMW Reading Group meets the second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 in Munden Parlor
A Life Application Study of the Bible in a year with Pastor Kirstie.
Every Wednesday 4:15p-5:15p beginning February 16th
Teacher: Rev. Kirstie J. Engel & Alex Steadman
AWARE & REPAIR (Social Justice Education Small Group)
We gather in community to begin or deepen our education journey around social justice issues (including, but not limited to race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, ability, the natural environment.) Our group collaboratively selects a book or other content so that we feel a common need in the group to embark upon mutual learning. As we cultivate awareness, we seek repair within ourselves and our communities.
Here is our schedule through Lent. We meet via Zoom 6:30-7:30pm:
Feb. 3: Emergent Strategy, pp. 67-82: intentional adaptation
- beginning here to refresh our memory from November
Feb. 17: Emergent Strategy, pp. 83-102: interdependence & decentralization.
Mar. 3: Emergent Strategy, pp. 103-122: nonlinear & iterative
Mar. 17: Emergent Strategy, pp. 123-150 resilience
Apr. 7: Emergent Strategy, pp. 151: creating more possibilities
Apr. 21: gather to discuss our schedule and next book (or documentary, or podcast episodes, or other forms of media)
Teacher: Dr. John Spilker. Contact him ( to be included on the e-mail distribution list and Zoom link.